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JNK3, Unactive

Recombinant full-length human JNK3 was expressed in E. coli cells using an N-terminal GST tag.
Catalog No. M35-14G

Catalog No. Pack Size Price (USD)
M35-14G-20 20 ug $215
M35-14G-50 50 ug $435
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JNK3 is a member of the c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) which are part of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase family, and regulate signal transduction in response to environmental stress. JNK3 phosphorylates various transcription factors such as ATF2, Elk-1 and members of the Jun family (1). Activation and nuclear localization of JNK3, a neuronal-specific isoform of JNK, has been associated with hypoxic and ischemic damage of CA1 neurons in the hippocampus. Knockout mice lacking JNK3 showed reduced apoptosis of hippocampal neurons and reduced seizure induced by kainic acid, a glutamate-receptor agonist (2).

Gene Aliases:

MAPK10; JNK3A, MGC50974, PRKM10, p493F12, p54bSAPK; FLJ12099, FLJ33785

Genbank Number:


1. Gupta, S. et al: Selective interaction of JNK protein kinase isoforms with transcription factors. EMBO J. 1996 Jun 3;15(11):2760-70.

2. Yang, D D. et al: Absence of excitotoxicity-induced apoptosis in the hippocampus of mice lacking the Jnk3 gene. Nature. 1997 Oct 23;389(6653):865-70.


Sample Purity Data. For specific information on a given lot, see related technical data sheet.

Storage, Stability and Shipping:

Store product at –70oC. For optimal storage, aliquot target into smaller quantities after centrifugation and store at recommended temperature. For most favorable performance, avoid repeated handling and multiple freeze/thaw cycles.

Molecular Weight:

~71 kDa

Product Datasheets


Apoptosis/Autophagy, Cardiovascular Disease, Cellular Stress, Inflammation, JNK/SAPK Pathway, Neurobiology, NfkB Pathway, Ser/Thr Kinases


  MST1, Active, S25-10G

  IRAK4, Active, I12-10G

  TAOK2, Active, T25-11G

  Anti-JNK1, M33-63R



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