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CLK2, Active

Recombinant human CLK2 (137-end) was expressed by baculovirus in Sf9 insect cells using an N-terminal GST tag.
Catalog No. C58-11G

Catalog No. Pack Size Price (USD)
C58-11G-05 5 ug $226
C58-11G-10 10 ug $325
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CDC-like kinase 2 (CLK2) a family of autophosphorylating kinases termed CLK (CDC2/CDC28-like kinases) was shown to phosphorylate SR proteins and to influence alternative splicing in overexpression systems (1). Recent findings demonstrated that the CLK kinases activate PTP-1B family members, and this phosphatase may be an important cellular target for CLK action. Mutations in the clk-2 proteins affect organismal features such as development, behavior, reproduction, and aging as well as cellular features such as the cell cycle, apoptosis, the DNA replication checkpoint, and telomere length (2).

Gene Aliases:

hCLK2, MGC61500

Genbank Number:


1. Jiang, N. et al: Human CLK2 links cell cycle progression, apoptosis, and telomere length regulation. J. Biol. Chem. 2003;278(24):21678-84.

2. Nayler, O. et al: The cellular localization of the murine serine/arginine-rich protein kinase CLK2 is regulated by serine 141 autophosphorylation. J. Biol. Chem. 1998;273(51):34341-8.

Specific Activity:

Sample Kinase Activity Plot. For specific information on a given lot, see related technical data sheet.


Sample Purity Data. For specific information on a given lot, see related technical data sheet.

Storage, Stability and Shipping:

Store product at –70oC. For optimal storage, aliquot target into smaller quantities after centrifugation and store at recommended temperature. For most favorable performance, avoid repeated handling and multiple freeze/thaw cycles.

Molecular Weight:

~68 kDa

Product Datasheets

There are no related publications available for this product.


Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Cell Cycle, Ser/Thr Kinases


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