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PDE5A, Active

Recombinant human PDE5A (537-end) was expressed by baculovirus in Sf9 insect cells using an N-terminal GST tag.
Catalog No. P93-31G

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Catalog No. Pack Size Price (USD)
P93-31G-05 5 ug $259
P93-31G-10 10 ug $380
P93-31G-BULK BULK Contact Us  


PDE5A is a member of the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase family. PDE5A is a cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase and hydrolyzes cGMP to 5'-GMP. It is involved in the regulation of intracellular concentrations of cyclic nucleotides and is important for smooth muscle relaxation in the cardiovascular system. PDE5A regulates nitric oxide (NO)-induced relaxation and cGMP breakdown in smooth muscle cells in vas deferens (1). PDE5A expression predisposes mice to adverse left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction. Furthermore, increased myocardial PDE5A expression in patients with advanced cardiomyopathy can contribute to the development of heart failure (2).

Gene Aliases:


Genbank Number:


1. Mancina R, et al: Expression and functional activity of phosphodiesterase type 5 in human and rabbit vas deferens. Mol Hum Reprod. 2005 Feb;11(2):107-15.

2. Pokreisz P, et al: Ventricular phosphodiesterase-5 expression is increased in patients with advanced heart failure and contributes to adverse ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction in mice. Circulation. 2009 Jan 27;119(3):408-16.

Specific Activity:

Sample Enzyme Activity Plot. For specific information on a given lot, see related technical data sheet.


Sample Purity Data. For specific information on a given lot, see related technical data sheet.

Storage, Stability, and Shipping:

Store product at –70oC. For optimal storage, aliquot target into smaller quantities after centrifugation and store at recommended temperature. For most favorable performance, avoid repeated handling and multiple freeze/thaw cycles.

Molecular Weight:

~63 kDa

Product Datasheets

Safety Datasheet


Cardiovascular Disease, Inflammation, Phosphodiesterases


  PDE4D, Active, P92-31DG

  PDE4C, Active, P92-31CG

  PDE7B, Active, P95-30BG

  PDE10A, Active, P98-31G



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